Theory of Peasant Society by Teodor Shanin


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Theory of Peasant Society by Teodor Shanin

“Peasants means small agricultural producer who with the help of simple equipment and the labor of their families produce mostly for their own consumption direct or indirect and for the fulfillment of obligations to holders of political and economic power” Teodor Shanin

T. Shanin is one of the prominent sociologists in the history of the sociological theory. He was the man who was very much prone to the very characteristics of sociology that is generalization. From his view, generalization is necessary to establish a theory but he observed diverse characteristics of different peasant societies in many regions of the world. Even many peasant societies are going to decline by the impact of industrialization and urbanization.

Some Features of Peasants Societies

  1. The family farmer is the major economic unit around which production, labour, consumption organized.
  2. Land husbandry is the main activity combined with minimal specialization and family based vocational training for task.
  3. There is a particular pleasant way of life based on the local village community which covers most area of social life and culture and which distinguishes it from urban life from those of other social group.
  4. Peasants are politically and socially subordinated, to known peasant group against whom they have devised various methods of resistance relevant or revolt.

At the time of developing Shanin’s theory he saw that 4 types of theory existed in the society.
Marxist Classical theory: According to this approach, peasant society is a remaining part of the pre-capitalist society. In this society marginal farmers are exploited by rich farmer.

Marxist theory –based on power(class conflict). He said three types of peasant 
  1. Rich peasant
  2. Middle peasant
  3. Poor peasant 
  4. Marginal peasant
In the contest of Bangladesh 
  1. Rich peasant ( more than 15 acore)
  2. Middle peasant ( 2.5 to 14.99 acore)
  3. Poor peasant (  less than 2.5 acore) 
  4. Marginal peasant ( only house land)
According to the Marxist view “the letter two dominated by the upper two”

Economic Theory: According to this theory peasant social structure is a special economic element in which peasant society is a collection numerous familial firms.
Anthropological/ Ethnographic Theory: This approach explained peasant society as static or stagnant and as absent minded to social mobility. As a result cultural gap is made within the modern society. exam: North Korea
Functionalist Theory: They think usual social process which characterized by uniformity limited boundary & affirmed solidarity. On the other hand modern society is characterized by extreme division of labor. Peasant society is situated between these two societies as a part of society.

Here, Two types of functionalist theory
Durkheim's solidarity theory. It has also two part 1. Organic (modern) 2. Mechanical (primitive)

Kroeber's Modern society. It has also two part 1. Pastoral/Agricultural 2.Hunting Peasant society.

After analysis this theory he gave some features of peasant. Those are given below:

  1.  Peasant household;
  2. Consumption orientation
  3. Patriocal  ideologist;
  4. Patriocal hierarchy;
  5. Pateriniel inheritance;
  6. Gender exploration;
  7. Simple division of labor;
  8. Simple specialization of work dependence on village system;
  9. Dependence on nature for production;
  10. Dependence on village system;
  11. Minimal accumulation of capital of saving;
  12. Exchange orientation;
  13. No political involvement 

Sources: "Peasantry as a political factor" Teodor Shanin