Difference between Democracy and Dictatorship


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Difference between Democracy and Dictatorship

1. Ends and means
Democracy gives independent of individual and state in the ends
It grorefice the state and state in the ends
2. Power
Power is decentralized and distributed
Power is centralized and monopolies
3. Distinction
Distinguishes among society, state and government
No clear distinguish among state, society and government
4. Equality and liberty
It ensures equality, liberty, stress and duty.
Equality, liberty, stress and duty is not granted.
5. Relations
Stands for peace at home and aboard. It believes in friendly relation between men and nations
It grorifice war
6. Fundamental rights
The rights to speak, associate own property, marry, prayer etc
This are abolish
7. Provisions
Pluralities of democratic party
Single party
8. Reason
It is the based on principles of reason
Unquestioned obedience to the law of the state
9.      Government system
Slave government. A slogan ‘good government is no substitute for self government’
Never believes in self government. Antitheses of self government
10.  Tolerance
Believes in tolerance and gives opportunities to all
It is opposed to such things.
11.  Dignity
Upholds the insuring worth of dignity and man encores the development of personality
Suppress the personality
12.  Shape of government
It is complicated and more expensive
It is very limited
13.  Revolution
Avoids revolution and bloodshed
It is welcome revolution and bloodshed
14.  Decision
Slow in arriving  decision
Decision arriving quickly
15.  Responsibility
Government responsible to the governed.
Responsible to none except the dictator
16.  Life
A sprit of mind
A formal government
17.  Welfare
Aims at the welfare of  work.
Aims at the welfare of a few in the name of work.