Describe the Critique on Liberal Perspective


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Describe the Critique on Liberal Perspective

The theory of liberalism was primarily developed in the writings of the British Philosophers John Stuart Mill, Locke, Hume and Bentham and has been an enormously influential tradition in the development of western democracies. This tern as a political doctrine developed in Europe from the 17th century, onwards, involving the rejection of authoritarian forms of government, the deference of freedoms of speech, association and religion and the aspersion of the right to private property.

Liberal Perspective

  1. Liberal conception is an individualist conception – is unduly limited.
  2. Not conservative but progressive about economic and politics.
  3. Mainly based on its individualism.

Steps of Liberal Perspective

First Step: Emphasis on the individual precludes a proper theory of the state, which suggest in principle that liberalism cannot be trusted to deal adequately with the question of status and rights for ethnic communities, most of which are minorities within the state.

The Second Step: It is to cite practices relating to ethnic communities and other groups practices that at the very least raise questions about the adequacy of the liberal individualist prescription. They suggest that liberalism needs supplementing. 

The Third Step: It elaborates the second, citing the right of nations or peoples to self-determination as the rights of group rather than of individuals and therefore as a right for which liberalism does not offer a clear basis. In some cases the rights that groups exercise are perhaps reducible to individual rights and can thus be brought within the framework of liberal theory, but in other cases the right belongs to groups as corporate units.

Fourth Step: It is to note an implication of the third, that the usual assumptions that the consent of the governed is the consent of individuals is open to question and that the consequent that counts may come from groups.

The Final Step: It is to ask what differences it makes if ethnic communities and other groups in addition to individuals are acknowledge as right and duty bearing units.

Principles of Liberalism
A society is founded upon liberal principles as the one, so it was argued, that self-innersole, rational individuals would choose. The nations of choice, individuals freedom and hostility an over might or interfering state which are embedded within liberalism.

Critique on Liberal Perspective

  • Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau has the liberal perspective who emphasis on individualism.
  • Recent, Earnest Barker and Stuat Mills, The state arises from a contract in which member gives up his own natural right. The maximum development of the capacities of the greatest number of individuals.
  • Mills and Barker, the boundary of the nation should determine the boundaries of the state. The modern state is not always a unitary national society. 
  • “The liberal thinks that if we can increase the individual rights than collective rights also be gained. All rights should be purely individual ones”

Rainer Baubock –To deny the group

  • They may deny their legitimacy (Rejecting).
  • They may deny the collective nature of the right (reducing).
  • They may accept the collective nature of home arrangement but deny their right (remaining/re habit).

Liberal view of rights they also keep some collective rights which cannot be expressed collectively and there will be no obligation.

Conflict of Group and Individual Right

  1. Group differentiated right- voting right and Age.
  2. Collective right.

Pursuid → Slephen Castle and Mark → five characteristics

  1. Acceleration Migration.
  2. Diversification.
  3. Globalization Migration.
  4. Feminization.
  5. Global Diasporas. 

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