What are the Features of "Class"


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What are the Features of "Class"

Features of Upper Class

  1. They often have many homes both at cities and country sides live in fashionable districts in suburbs. Example: Nonhin in San Francisco, Bexerly Hills in Los Angels, Beacon Hill in Boston, and Park Avenue in New York City. Dhanmondi Dhaka, Uttara, guishan, Banani, Baridhara.
  2. Their activities take place within isolated areas like restaurants, resorts and social club and it’s reserved for them.
  3. Living in ultra-expensive houses with security guards and controlled entrance. Example: Duplex home.
  4. Often utilize private transportation despite having public transport, door to door limousine, services. Ex. Private Car with air conditioned.
  5. Shopping and recreation are all located in heavily police areas.
  6. Requiring private security guards, apartment building with twenty-four-hour doormen and private schools or academies for children.
  7. World class housing facilities.
  8. Availability of expensive healthcare facilities. Example: Bardem.
  9. Existence of instrumental and expressive roles. Example: Khan Group.
  10. Tendency of waste and luxury. Example: Navana group.
  11. They have much leisure time.

Features of Middle Class
  1. They have no own home. Even if they have home it is located in economic area.
  2. They lead semis luxurious life without security guard.
  3. Often utilize public transport. Ex:Bus.
  4. Public school or academy for children.
  5. Middle class housing facilities.
  6. Too much family member than room umber.
  7. Nuclear and extended family.
  8. Health facility is available in own area.
  9. They have no leisure time. Example. Weaken, Friday, Saturday.
  10. Husband and wife both are confined to job.
  11. They develop slums in urban area.
  12. They do not block restaurant.
  13. They called yuppie, drink, bupple.

Features of Lower Class

  1. Life in the city was dominated by features.
  2. Modest working class housing was constructed in gird-pattern rows nearby.
  3. The working class the pub, the association football park (sector) or the local husband diamond and the streets which sensed as playground for children.
  4. The quality of life of the working class is dependent on the public services provided by weal government.
  5. They require mass transportation which is becoming increasingly expensive.
  6. The level of medical cure for this less affluent group is seriously deficient and dependent on city supported hospitals because they work at jobs that do not provide adequate, if any, health insurance.
  7. Their standards of living depend on city service, the working poor are often at odds with public administrator.
  8. Early marriage.
  9. They do not take sufficient nutrition. They are suffering from malnutrition. 
  10. The working poor and their advocate in the city fight a running battle with the mayor over the declines in education fair and police protection, sanitation, highway maintenance heath care and recreational amenities.
  11. Living in the worst areas of the central city means that the ghettoized poor are subjected to an almost unending list of pathological consequences of city living, in clouding public health crises such as AIDS, child abuse, and tuberculosis, dropout from education, juvenile crime drug addiction and the bearing of addicted babies, juvenile motherhood, murder, rape and robbery. 

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