Definition and Origin of Religion


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Definition and Origin of Religion

In a simple sense, religion is a belief in supernatural force. In the broadest sense religion is belief and creation of his power; in short about him following the rule of his worship or prayer sophisticated him.

Emile Durkheim, the Elementary forms of the religious life, said that “Religion is a unified system of beliefs and practice relative scared thing that is to say things set apart forbidden".

According to Ogburn “Religion is an attitude towards superhuman powers".

E.B Tylor, primitive culture, defines that  “Religion is the beliefs on spiritual life”.
To know clearly about religion we should know its basic components
  1.  Belief in supernatural force.
  2. Man’s adjustment to supernatural forces.
  3. Some methods of salvation

Origin of Religion:

The origin of religion is hidden in the unfathomable past. Its origin in a way is mysterious. Still, sociologists and social anthropologists have made a lot of efforts to explain the origin of religion. Hence there is a great deal of disagreement among the thinkers regarding the origin of religion. These are cited below:


Tylor considered the belief in spirits in spirit or the invisible soul or self to be almost an inevitable result of a universal phenomenon such as dreams. He shows some aspects of it__
  1. Fetishism: worship to thing
  2. Polytheism: worship of nature
  3. Monotheism: the evolutionary process of relation

