Briefly Discuss the Social Conflict and Urban Development


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Briefly Discuss the Social Conflict and Urban Development

Social conflict
The term social conflict refers to the perceived feeling of separation or distance between social groups. According to Karl Marx, “The history of the hitherto existing society is the history of the class struggle.” Mainly Marx popularized the term social conflict worldwide. Social conflict has diversified perspectives but Marx only analyzed it from economic perspective.

a. Economic perspective: From Marxist view, social conflict or class conflict prevails between:

  • Master and slave (in slavery).
  • Landlord and serf (in feudalism).
  • Bourgeois  and proletariat (in capitalism) 

Here we can see that the rich always exploits the poor and a sense of conflict exists between two groups.

b. Gender Perspective: From feminist view, a universal conflict prevails between male and female. Because in all societies the male are considered themselves superior than the female and the female are deprived from their human rights.

c. Religious perspective: In religious view, there are two groups in all societies such as 

  • Religious leaders.
  • Common people.

The first group always wants to exploit the second group.

d. Ideological perspective: There are main two types of ideology

  • Liberalism 
  • Conservatism

There is always a cold conflict between two groups as the conservative people can never mix with all other people in society.

e. Political perspective: Different people support different types of political ideology that incase of politics there are mainly two parties----

  • Government party
  • Opposition party

These two parties involve in conflicts and usually criticize each other.

Urban Development
Simply urban development refers property to a growth in the proportion of a county’s population living in urban centers of a particular size. In another word, it means the process of city formation. In broadly speaking, urban development is the total systematic way of developing the living standard of city people.
It indicates structural development, development of trade and commerce, technological advancement, spiritual development and so on.

Causes of urban development

  1. Modern education.
  2. Scientific advancement.
  3. Surplus production in agriculture.
  4. Industrialization.
  5. Political movement.

Determinants of urban development 

  1. High living standard of people.
  2. Individualism.
  3. Developing urban mentality.
  4. Mode of life is very fast/technical life.
  5. Commercialization.
  6. Liberty and freedom and so on. 

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