What is Samaj? Describe the Characteristics of Samaj.


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What is Samaj? Describe the Characteristics of Samaj.

Rural Society is contrary to urban society; actually, the 3rd world country is mainly based on village. The rural society is consisting of rural people. A specific difference is exists in urban society and rural society. The rural society is basically the society of peasant class and land is the main elements of production. 

Definition of Samaj

Generally the number of people who have common interest and live in the same place in a village is called samaj. Some definition is to be given below for better understanding the society

According to Ellwood “Any group of physically interested individuals make a society.”

In our country, a particular samaj is closely observed. This samaj showed a group of people who have specific width, a particular norms and values and they are respect this. This samaj is close to community.


  1. Loko Samaj: This Samaj is also called ‘loko samaj’. Sometimes we here in village ‘society do not accept it” or want to judge to society”. For this, samaj is important for villagers.
  2. Punishment: Sometimes, in many villages the importance of samaj is as so as that anyone cannot work without its rules.
  3. Compulsory Rule: In village samaj many rules are compulsory for villagers.
  4. Size: There is no clear rule in which family consist of a samaj. Mainly small samaj constitutes 50 to 100 families and larger family constitutes more than 100 families. 
  5. Leadership: In every samaj powerful and older person maintain the rules and regulation in samaj. They are the mainly leader of that samaj. Sometimes a single person can be leader of a samaj.
  6. Youth Leader: Beside the older leader in a samaj, sometimes youth leader is seen in samaj. Mainly the youth are organizing various games, cultural program and support the older leader.
  7. Problem: Every samaj has various types of problem like conflict with one another, divorce, crime, drug addiction, gender inequality, child marriage etc. To solve this problem the leader of the society plays a great role.
  8. Village Work: Village ‘samaj’ sometimes work in illegal process like punishment of the poor people to support the powerful man of this samaj.
  9. Dominated by the Male: Bangladesh is a male dominated society. Here mainly male holds the power. In samaj women are neglected by the man.
  10. Politics: In every samaj there are various political party exist. Sometimes, by the one political party hold the power in a samaj.

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